November 1st, 2023.

We are very proud of our app but feel some members don't use it to the fullest, so we have added some TOP TIPS on how to use it to get the best experience.

This did start as the TOP 5 TIPS, but is now TOP 10 (+1) TIPS!

If you would like to get involved and become a member with access to our app, please click below for more information.

where members will be adding some blog style updates, if this is something that you would like to do, shout! Always room for more.

We are an exciting and dynamic community with some lovely racehorses to follow; If you aren't a member, feel free to click below and learn more


The short menu is the quickest way to find the key information on runners and the latest news, as well as a quick link to the string info and main menu.

On the app you can find this by using the 3 parallel lines in the bottom right corner, or it is easily seen on the web version on the left hand side of your screen.


Facebook, Twitter (X) or Instagram users will be familiar with this concept. Easily accessed from the SHORT MENU, basically, all updates from the mandatory groups or groups you choose to follow (more in point 4) will be dropped into YOUR NEWS FEED for easy access to updates that matter to you. This can be a busy feed, so information can be missed, so don’t forget to scroll down to see what you have not caught.


Also accessed from the above mentioned SHORT MENU, the RUNNERS DIARY is always 99% accurate as best we know for plans for all the horses. There is also the past races if you scroll down far enough. Obviously plans can change quickly so there will be times where this is a little behind, but generally it is an exact reflection of the plans for the horses.


In a similar fashion to how Facebook works, you can follow any groups which you wish to see the updates from.

Some groups are mandatory, and updates from these groups will automatically go into your NEWS FEED, but the updates from other groups will only be added to your NEWS FEED if you follow them.

If you don’t follow a group, you can still access them (with the exception of exclusive shareholder groups), you just need to be proactive and go and look.

If you have a group you are particularly keen on, we recommend following and then seeing updates directly from your NEWS FEED.

updates, if this is something that you would like to do, shout! Always room for more.

We are an exciting and dynamic community with some lovely racehorses to follow; If you aren't a member, feel free to click below and learn more


The Gold and Green Crowd is a community and we have a lot of knowledgable and interesting members, and interacting via the app can be rewarding. We appreciate that it isn’t for everybody, but we do encourage you to consider asking questions, adding comments and even initiating discussions in the CROWD CHAT group (more on that in point 7).

No question is a daft question, and guarantee if you are thinking it then somebody else is too.

We do tend to challenge criticism of trainers, horses or jockeys, especially in the immediate aftermath of a run, but this is purely to maintain balance and if criticism is warranted it is welcomed.


Notifications can be annoying, no denying that. Especially on a RACE DAY if you are working or busy and your phone is lighting up every few seconds with notifications of posts you are unable to go and see.

From the PROFILE section of the App (accessed on your phone from the head emoji in middle of the bottom line) or on the web version by clicking on SETTINGS in the SHORT MENU.

Push Notifications can then be changed to suit how you wish to see t


Such an under-used group, which is a shame.

This your opportunity to ask any questions or initiate discussions. Anything from accommodation or food recommendations when going racing, to arranging to meet other members at the races or stable visits, or offering your thoughts/ opinions on anything Crowd or racing linked.

This group can now be also accessed from the SHORT MENU.


This is a mandatory group, so will already be added to your NEWS FEED, but it is the best way to keep up to date with the running plans after entries are made, and to see the updates around OWNERS & TRAINERS BADGES. Race previews from Allan Packer, Craig McKenna and updates from the trainers and jockeys can be found in here, as well as pics and We are an exciting and dynamic community with some lovely racehorses to follow; If you aren't a member, feel free to click below and learn more


We regular run competitions and try and make sure the prizes are attractive. They are "usually" easy enough to enter and while we do like to try and innovate and make them different to the bog standard competitions you will see elsewhere, they should still be straight forward for all members to have a go.


We do regularly refer to The Gold and Green Crowd App as the App, and this does tend to mask the fact that the App is also available as an internet based platform, exactly the way you can view Facebook on an App or on a website.

It works with the exact same log-in details as used on your phone and while the content is exactly the same, many find the web version easier to use when looking to spend time and look around for new content and use their phones for the quick updates. You don’t need to choose, you can either or both.

The web version can be found using the link below.


The more you get involved, the more you will get from your membership with The Gold and Green Crowd. Go racing, join the stable visits, comment on posts, ask questions, enter competitions, contribute pictures or videos, join the zoom sessions, or just cheer on from the back ground, the call is yours but we aim to offer the best experience we can. It is down to you how you utilise that to get what you want from being involved and using our app.

We will be adding more opportunities for members to contribute and you will see some sections added where members will be adding some blog style updates, if this is something that you would like to do, shout! Always room for more.

We are an exciting and dynamic community with some lovely racehorses to follow; If you aren't a member, feel free to click below and learn more


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